
Tuesday, May 31, 2011


This program was introduced to me in high school Spanish class. If you signed up, you had the opportunity to go to another Spanish speaking country and do volunteer work while living with a local family. This benefitted the communities as well as helped students to learn Spanish. I didn't do this though, because I didn't have time to do all the fundraising. And I definitely didn't have the money to pay for it on my own. Still, it is a great program, and you can donate to it as well without actually going out as a volunteer. Help the world and bridge cultural gaps. Enjoy.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Hello Japan

The earthquakes in Japan were crazy. I had to evacuate because of a tsunami warning here in Hawaii. Lots of people died, and we will probably all die due to developed cancer after those nuclear plant melt downs. Anyways, I love Hello Kitty and I love relief efforts. If you want to support and sport Hello Kitty and red cross relief in Japan, you should also buy a shirt... (or find the totes and chocolate bars online that I couldn't find.)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

End Racism

This is the dialogue for today. I don't have a lot of positive things to say about it because it is alive and well. I just had an amazing conversation with my boo about it and what it comes down to really is just love though. UNCONDITIONAL. It is hard. I know. All the racial terms and things, we just have to get rid of insults altogether. We can't ban words. People still curse. Use them wisely, kindly. Celebrate differences, and love them all. Thats how we are unique. Race is just another thing that makes an individual and connects us to some other people. Just like interests, nationalities, religions, location, and occupation. Keep on the positive. Enjoy :)
Organizations to end Racism.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


This young girl Kaitlyn Maher captured my attention on youtube. She sang for America's Got Talent in 2008 and made it to the top 10 at the age of four. Since then, she has gone on to do other performances and even acted in some disney movies. I found her blog (well she doesn't write it obviously being so young) and on it, it showed her going and being an Ambassador in El Salvador for the Compassion organization. This organization is one of those that allow people to sponsor children in poverty. I think it is a great idea because if you can change one person's life, think how they may begin to change others as well. Below is the video of Kaitlyn that won me over. I love that the program allows for young kids to be ambassadors. If young children can realize the global situation, they will be more grateful, and more charitable. It is especially important for Kaitlyn I think because the celebrity lifestyle is a lavish one that is usually self centered. I hope that Kaitlyn can maintain her sweet innocence. She is awesome. Enjoy :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Center for Student Missions (CSM)

Okay this is a Christian site more specifically the "North American Church" I believe... as stated in one of the videos posted on the blog  however much I want to respect their beliefs and recognize them properly I am more impressed with their actions. From what I read, this is a program where young people can find ways to serve others as well as try to bring religion to their lives. As many people dispute correctness of doctrines, the point here is not the doctrine, but the sense of charity and love as spread from people with purpose. To me, believing in God at all is hard to do in this day and age so from which doctrinal standpoint doesn't matter to me.I think religion begets gratitude, humility, and kindness. Not always towards one another (sad to say) but the efforts to heal the world should always be embraced. Anyways, the effort that most caught my attention was this one about a place called the Joshua Station. This place is a transitional home to help people who are homeless have a place to stay as well as fix up their lives and get back on their feet again. Amazing idea. I like it a lot. Enjoy :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Motivation, Optimism, Affirmations

So I am going to post a link here to a blog my babe sent me a link to that is a weekly motivational blog. This guy is a coach, and if you take sports, you know coaches are all about motivation. Here it is:
Also, since last thursday's post got deleted for some reason, I am going to post a few links to affirmation sites and my affirmation youtube playlist I will post below them. Enjoy :)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Hip Hop for Hope

I heard about this on America's Best Dance Crew. Lil Mama mentioned it, but I don't know if this was the exact one she was talking about. Anyways, the idea is what is most important. Use music and dance as a positive influence on kids. Empower them to follow their dreams. This is a pretty common theme in my blogs because im sick of seeing the future generations headed to the crapper. Read academically adrift by Richard Arum and Josipa Roska if you wanna figure out the figures HA! Anyways. Enjoy.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Walk for Lupus on First Giving

This website helps people raise money for whatever causes they would like. All they have to do is make a page for it. I found out about this page through my aunt Deanna Purcell who is trying to raise money and awareness for the Lupus Foundation of America. Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease. Click Here to learn more about Deanna's story and how it has affected her life.  Live to the fullest and enjoy :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Truth

I really wish these guys would have kept their old campaign videos. I loved Svarnick and Byll. Anyways,  these guys do anti- tobacco campaigning. I think its good since tobacco is still on the market. There are a lot less people who smoke... cigarettes now. And who knows, maybe these guys helped a lot of people not to smoke. Smoking is such a weird thing you know. Sucking in smoke into your lungs? Who thought of that idea. Smoke itself is cool, and maybe that was the appeal; blowing it out of your mouth, but cancer isn't cool and neither is addiction. Conquer the smokey monster. enjoy :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

The H.Y.P.E. Movement

H.Y.P.E. Movement VISION: We seek to create a world where all young people, regardless of race, class, and gender are free to embrace their dreams, pursue their aspirations, reach their fullest potential, and become agents of positive change in their communities.

H.Y.P.E. Movement MISSION: The H.Y.P.E. Movement (Helping Youth Pursue Emancipation) is an international youth liberation movement that encourages young people to transform their lives by emancipating their minds from all negativity, embracing their dreams, educating themselves, empowering their lives, engaging in community action, and striving for excellence to help create the kind of positive change that they would like to see in the world. 

When I first saw an ad for this movement, it was on a bulletin at BYUH. I thought it was good idea. I also thought that it was sad that so many people dropped out of high school but also that that was part of the stereotypes of polynesians. The saddest part for me was that either their parents or grandparents sacrificed a lot to get them to America then they throw it all away by dropping out and joining gangs or just adding to the population of the lower class and citizens on welfare. I can't tell you all the reasons why, but a lot I feel don't believe enough in their potential either because of their peers or because of the teachers who stereotype them as well. I like this movement that inspires kids to follow their dreams. I don't know everything that they do because it looks like they are stationed in Salt Lake, and I tried contacting the founder to get a wristband, but I never got a reply. So, we will just have to see. One of the ambassadors though I am quite impressed with is Hefa Tuita. That fool can dance. Garrenz if you watch some Chris Brown music videos he is in there dancing. Amazing. Anyways, here are some links to their channels and pages. Maybe look for some videos of Hefa. Enjoy :).


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Life Under Construction by Jodi Orgill Brown

This is my sister Jodi (adopted- not legally but you know heart to heart kind of love) who two years ago had her first brain surgery to remove a tumor. Many surgeries and months later she began her journey of recovery. Her faith and will to survive is inspirational. There are probably millions of people who have to go through similar trials. We might not all have brain tumors, but sometimes we may need an extra boost of motivation to get through our own problems. As she continues to live her life to the fullest, she also maintains her own positive blog (click the banner above). If you want to follow where this amazing woman is taking her life, subscribe! Enjoy :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Positivity Blog

Well its time for me to explore more ideas because I am all out of the list I had planned. Here is another positivity blog you can check out. Enjoy :)
The Positivity Blog

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Invisible Children

So this is probably one of my favorite charities of all time. This organization came to my high school and presented the documentary that the young guys went to Uganda to do. They found out about the civil war and the children who are abducted to become soldiers. Terrible and sad. They have since made a lot of progress but not everything is solved. I wish I could have gone to the Invisible Children presentation they had here about 3 weeks ago, but I've been terrible about keeping schedules lately. (something else I need to get back on). But I think if you have some extra money to spare, buy the documentary, educate yourself as well as help out with the efforts that are going on out there. Enjoy :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

National Wildlife Federation

I think that in order to live a harmonious life, one should appreciate their surroundings and be in harmony with them. If we are part of the circle of life, we should contribute to the giving back instead of always taking from nature, because if we don't, what will be left? This is a pretty famous organization and they have news and events going down all the time. Enjoy :).

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Box Tops for Education

I dont know if you guys ever heard about this, but we used to collect these to send in. I would if i ever bought food haha. I think this is a General Mills thing, but look for the little box top cut out things, save em, and send em in to a school near you!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Water Aid

Well I saw a few cool ads on youtube which brought me to the knowledge of this site. I think sometimes we take the simple things for granted like having clean drinking water. Or having water at all. This organization raises awareness that people in some countries have to walk miles to get water. Also, the water is very murky and dirty and sometimes, contaminated. They also have efforts to bring clean water to many people around the world. Enjoy :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011


So I am subscribed to  Mormon Messages on YouTube and this is one that came up that I think we should all be a little more aware of. Some people you wouldn't dream of talking to or treating as your equal simply based on looks. Here is a nice reminder that we are all human and we might need to think about how we are treating the people around us. Enjoy :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

USNS Mercy and the UCSD Pre-Dental Society

So a colleague of mine, Kent Carollo, came to give a presentation at one of the colloquiums last semester. He presented on a volunteer opportunity he had during last summer. He is a pre-dental major, and so he did some work with the UCSD who partners with the Navy's Hospital ship, the USNS Mercy to do humanitarian aid. They provided basic health and dental care to people who would otherwise not have access or means for any at all. Below was the UCSD's efforts in 2007. Also, the pictures above are links to their respective websites. Enjoy :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Paul Mitchell "FUNraising"

So my friend Maria is going to the Paul Mitchell school in SLC, and she is blogging about her experiences in school. (Go to her channel here) Anyways, as part of the requirements, they have to attend a certain amount of charity events whether it be just attending or participating in giving service. After visiting their school's site, I realized that they raise a lot of money for charities. Here is a list of charities they support. Maybe I will get into those charities when I start running out of ideas. Enjoy :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Girl Scouts

Of course, any scouting is good, girl or boy, but do boys sell delicious cookies? Not usually. I was never involved with this program, but it looks like a pretty good idea. It tastes like a good idea too. Here is a video about how girl scout cookies help the world! Enjoy :)
(embedding was disabled)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Individual Worth

So within the organization of the LDS church, there is the Young Womens program. So in this program, one of the values taught is that of Individual Worth. That means that there are lessons and activities based on this principle. One, for example, is this photo shoot that my cousin did for the girls in her ward. There are other ideas posted around the internet if you wanna check. Here is a video of maybe a similar photo shoot and some quotes too. Enjoy :)