
Monday, October 17, 2011

Cartoon Network's Anti- Bullying Campaign

Of course, I am in love with CARTOON NETWORK but they have this anti bullying campaign going on that is pretty sweet. check it out.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Feeding the Hungry

So, there has been this picture circulating. And don't get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with Steve Jobs. I do think that he was an important and influential figure, and he did what he could to change the world and follow his dreams. What I agree with in this picture is that there is so much more to the world than personal pleasure and technology. I mean think about it. Instead of buying an Iphone, maybe if you bought a cheaper service, the rest of the monthly pay you would be using for your phone and apps could feed a whole community in a poor place of the world. I understand that this is difficult because a lot of times when people try to help then that country's government takes over and just confiscates everything. Its not right. But we can help people in our own country too. More importantly, we can help ourselves by remembering what is really important and showing a little self- restraint.

Miss Representation

Hello my faithful followers! I have been really busy trying to get school done so I haven't been researching charities and thing. However, when charities and organizations come to me that is a bit different. Here is something that friends have been posting on facebook. And I am so glad there is another movement like the dove movement. This one is not some brand supporting a movement though. This is strictly against media. Some of the video clip sounds really feminist and dumb hehe but I agree for the greater part of it. It is not okay what the media does. Ask my boyfriend... the subconscious is way too conscious to live a happy and grateful life. Pledge to make a difference at their website

Newest Miss Representation Trailer (2011 Sundance Film Festival Official Selection) from Miss Representation on Vimeo.