
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

If you need a pick me up because depression just came and pushed you down out of no where

Yep. It happens. Nothing really going bad, but nothing is going particularly well, you are just vegging out and then your mind takes a sharp turn and the world is ugly and pointless.

Here is a nice thing I read today that made me feel better and most accurately described what I was feeling! Thank you internet.

oh and watch this too.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Hello 2015!

Hey all. I think it has been over a year since I have posted anything.
I have still been trying to add uplifting songs to the list. (Sorry if it seems more aimed at strengthening the body image of women, I just identify with and need those messages more, but I hope that uplifting messages in the songs can benefit all)

This cracked list inspired me to finally post again. I always think about getting back on track about posting positive things. Moving around these past few years and just assimilating myself more to this humdrum adult life has put me through a roller coaster of emotion (mostly really low  lows) and finding posts like this definitely helps.

26 True Stories That Prove Humanity Is Not All Bad

Hopefully I can find more things to post without getting too political or religious :P